Corporate Social Responsibility

our company as an agent of change


At Solnet we believe that our company should be the example of the changes we wish to see in society and its impact on the environment. That is why Corporate Social Responsibility policies are key to the company’s day-to-day operations.

solnet renovables


Solnet’s implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility actions has been recognized on several occasions. In 2022, for example, it received the energy award at the Premis Empresa de Pedreguer. In the same year it was chosen by Creama (Consorci per a la Recuperació Econòmica de la Marina Alta) as one of the three companies that starred in a video dedicated to CSR actions in the region.


Solnet’s Corporate Social Responsibility policies have been part of the company’s strategy since its creation.

Work Week

At the beginning of 2022, we introduced the 4-day work week at Solnet. A decision that has had a positive impact on the company’s productivity.


Solnet’s administration and management workers can choose between teleworking from home or at the company’s offices.

Family Conciliation

The hours that office employees work each day can be distributed as they prefer throughout the day to facilitate family and work reconciliation.

Electric Vehícles

Currently, half of Solnet’s fleet of passenger cars and vans is made up of 100% electric vehicles.

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    Calle Mestre Serano, 4, Pedreguer, Alicante

    649 69 14 56

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    Corporate Social Responsibility

