Photovoltaic installation in residential buildings
Install solar energy IN YOUR COMMUNITY and take advantage of SHARED SELF-CONSUMPTION.
Shared self-consumption
A shared photovoltaic self-consumption is a community of neighbors connected to the same photovoltaic installation. On average, the economic investment is recovered in 5-7 years and from that moment on it is saved for the rest of the installation’s useful life. In addition, households benefit from the surpluses they do not consume and feed them into the grid, reducing the next month’s bill.
How does collective self-consumption work in neighborhood communities?
The installation is located on the roof of a building and the neighbors share the production.
What are the phases for a shared photovoltaic installation?
Phase 1: Agreement at the neighborhood council: 1/3 of the owners must agree to install the collective self-consumption on the shared roof of the building.
Phase 2: Formulate preliminary study.
Phase 3: Technical visit and preliminary project.
Phase 4: Elaboration and execution of the project.
Benefits of shared solar energy
Energy balance
Increase of home value
Economic stability
Sustainable housing consumption
How is the installation process for communities with Solnet Energia?
We evaluate your energy consumption and the conditions of the place where you are (hours and position of the sun) to propose you the installation of solar panels that you need. Once we are clear about the place, the consumption and all the necessary technical data, we install the solar panels, inverter and necessary elements, both in the ground and on the ground (the choice is made together with the client based on the technical data). We also install a monitoring system to control the operation of the panels and verify their energy production. Finally, we carry out an inspection and a test to make sure that the system is working properly. And thanks to this installation of solar panels you can now transform solar energy into electricity for your home, which will help to reduce costs and maintain your home or business in a more sustainable way.

Frequently asked questions about photovoltaic energy.
These are some of the questions you may need to answer before starting the installation of solar energy.
How long do solar panels last?
In general, solar panels or modules are estimated to last between 25 and 30 years optimally. Other system components, such as the inverter, may have a shorter life and need to be replaced sooner.
How much space do you need to place them?
It will depend on the amount of energy you need to generate and the amount of solar panels needed to achieve it. In general, about 10m2 of space is needed to generate 1 kilowatt (kW) of solar energy.
Do you need permission for the installation?
Yes, you will need permission to install solar panels on your property. The requirements may vary depending on the location and size of the installation. Don’t worry, Solnet will take care of it.
How can I know how many solar modules I need for my house?
We will review your current energy consumption and make some estimates. In Solnet Energia we take care of all this, so that you can enjoy the installation of solar panels and generate the energy you need.
Are there any subsidies or grants?
Yes, there are different incentives and/or subsidies. It will always depend on the size of the installation and the administration that grants them.
What is the return on investment of a facility?
The return on investment of a solar panel installation can vary depending on the size of the system, the cost of the installation, energy consumption and other factors. In general, a positive return on investment is expected within 5 to 10 years.
Do we need maintenance?
Yes, solar installations need maintenance. Thanks to the monitoring system that Solnet Energia installs and the annual revisions that we do, we will keep your installation operative as long as possible.
Data about our solar energy installations in communities
Planning and development
With feasibility report
In authorization phase
In new projects
Do you have more questions about the installation of solar modules for communities?
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“We have clients who save 75% of their electricity bill”, interview with Joan Noguera.
More and more companies and individuals are opting for self-consumption solar energy installations. There are two...
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Calle Mestre Serano, 4, Pedreguer, Alicante
649 69 14 56
Photovoltaic Systems
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